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Dark Knights: Searching for the Origin of the African Vampire

Jeffrey Carey


"Africa is the cradle of civilization." - Dr. Green/Hess

from the Da Sweet Blood of Jesus

"there was simply no need to construct complete towns underground

unless you were attempting to escape from the world outside"

- Andrew Collins

"Cause back in the days, they lived in caves Exiled from the original man, they strayed away"

- Rakim


All people are familiar with the story of Count Dracula the vampire who lived in his castle in Transylvania, undoubtedly this story was made famous by the 1897 classic novel by author Bram Stoker. The book and the countless movies that followed especially the 1931 horror movie starring Bela Lugosi are considered a classic, and it is mainly this image of the vampire, until recently only associated with Europeans that has become a part of our collective mass consciousness. What I have attempted to do with this post is to challenge this popular image of the vampire. I also have taken the daring task of attempting to unlock the very origin of this popular creature, and to pull back the veil on what I believe is only a metaphor for an even more incredible story yet to be told in frank terms. The vampire is probably the most popular horror movie character ever created. In the United States I sincerely believe it's a part of every persons childhood to have at least one memory of wearing those goofy looking fangs, and trying them on and imagining themselves being a vampire. If you were lucky you may have had a pair of the glow in the dark fangs that myself, and most kids around my neighborhood thought were really cool.

As a young African-American kid growing up in a "post-civil rights" America if you wanted to be a vampire, much like the image of Jesus, you had to first imagine yourselves as a white vampire. As kids we loved the cult classic Lost Boys, still one of my favorites, but we never really could see ourselves in those images, we could only imagine.

All of that changed for me when on one weekend during my childhood while most likely searching for a kung fu movie to watch, I accidently stumbled upon a blaxploitation film known as Blacula. Of course the movie is dated now, but I remember at the current time the movie blowing me away. A black vampire are you kidding me? Before the days of Netflix, Hulu and On Demand where everything is simply at the watching pleasure of your finger tips, television had a certain magic that is hard to describe. If you stumbled on a movie like Blacula you sat down and watched it because you never knew the next time you would be able to watch it again. Yes Blacula, like many of the blaxploitation movies of the era had its stereotypes, yet it still had some very empowering images much different than the subservient roles from the minstrel show era. Blacula had charm, but yet in still he could whip your ass if you ever crossed him. At the same time Mamuwalde/Blacula was still limited in his agency though, as he was turned into a vampire by his older European counterpart, when I actually believe historically the opposite was true. What I will attempt to argue with this post is that what we all have come to know as vampire culture is really a metaphor for something else entirely, and this something else has its roots in African culture and beyond to places we can't imagine.

Blacula one of the many movies that some laughed at, and even labeled as blaxploitative. In reality the movie had characters with not only the natural hairstyles of the time, but also black characters who at times acted out certain agencies seemingly in command of their own destinies whether for good or bad.


Lead character William Marshall was Blacula/Mamuwalde with the stunningly beautiful consort Vonetta McGee. These images on television were some of the first to turn the vampire concept on its head up until then vampires were mainly only associated with Europeans.


While immersing myself in research I have discovered that far from simply being a marketing tool for black audiences, or those folks interested in the "exotic" the African vampire may actually be at the root of this worldwide phenomenon. It is my belief that vampires are actually real, but only if you first disregard the actual name "vampire" which I believe only serves as a distraction. Also many of the items we associate with vampires are actual symbols, philosophies, and beliefs taken from the culture of the ancient Egyptians. In fact it is my belief that many of the trappings associated with "vampire" culture actually come "straight out of Africa" and were only later exported to the rest of the world, but first having reached its zenith and probable origin in the Nile Valley.

Prior to being associated with gothic, rock, or eastern Europe vampire culture may have in fact originated in Africa on the banks of the Nile.


Written off one time as a European or Hamitic creation that incidentally was only imported into Africa. It is now believed that the original Egyptians were in fact indigenous to the continent of Africa and their culture, religion, language, and world view developed within an African context. Many Egyptian dynasties later, Egypt would become more of a world based cosmopolitan civilization similar to lets say a New York City or Paris, as foreigners from Persia, Greece, and Rome invaded settled and created what would later be known as Hellenized culture. Before I get into some of the details of this argument let me say up front that we need to open our minds up to the idea (Drake Equation) that this planet was visited in the past by a race of extraterrestrials with far superior intelligence and abilities than our own. If that statement is just too jarring for those with closed minds you may want to do yourself a favor and please stop reading; however, if you are of the few who are open to these very real possibilities then by all means continue on. Authors like Robert Temple and Zecharia Sitchin have written in great detail about this subject.

The most likely home for this advanced race of extraterrestrials is Sirius our sister star, and possibly Nibiru as well. I do believe that these aliens seem to have visited Africa at a very early date, and were most likely in direct communication with the Egyptians, Sumerian, as well as people in other parts of Africa (Mali, Zimbabwe). These aliens did not just visit and leave they actually mated with humans spawning a race of hybrids. These new alien hybrids were barely distinguishable from the general human population on the surface; however, it is from these hybrids that produced the royal bloodlines that sat on the thrones of Egypt. These aliens were known by many names, but mainly Dagon and Annunaki is what has come down to us.

The Biblical and religious record refers to them as Nephilim, or fallen angels. From Egypt and Sumer it seems like this royal Dagon/Dragon bloodlines (sangreal) spread into Greece and Rome even sitting on the thrones of France, Germany, and England. Regardless of color all these different groups share a common bond originating in Africa and the Middle East spawned by aliens from beyond our planet. This is why you see the kings and queens all throughout Europe wearing heraldry like the royal bee and the fleur-de-lis that both have their origin in Africa. The pharoah was actually called the royal bee, and the fleur-de-lis has its origin in the lily on the Nile river. Much like the European heraldry just mentioned vampire symbolism also has its origin in Africa as well. When we think of vampires many symbols come to mind such as fangs, blood, bats, the sun, hypnotism, and the ability to live forever. I believe all of these elements were in fact borrowed from Africa right out of the Nile Valley. Let us first look at the fangs where do their origins lie?

The famous vampire fangs all kids played with during Halloween.


It is my belief that the fangs of the vampire does not exist at all really in the Hollywood sense, but is really a well hidden metaphor. I believe that the origin of the fangs are in some way connected to the fangs of a feline cat. Any zoologist will tell you, or you can simply observe it on your own that cats are fantastic hunters.

It is the lioness found in Africa with her cunning and intellect that sheds the blood during the hunt. The Egyptians most likely saw the lion and by extension the cat with its fangs as natural symbols for blood and sacrifice later symbolized in the lion goddess Sekhmet and later evolving in the famous fangs of the vampire.


In Africa there are many big cats like cheetahs, panthers, and leopards. It is the lion however that is truly the king of the jungle and naturally sits on the top of the food pyramid. I believe that the ancient Egyptians were aware of this fact and this is why their goddess of war was Sekhmet the lioness.

Sekhmet was a goddess that required blood sacrifice that was usually attained during war this is why she was a war goddess. There was a belief that energy was in shedding blood. Blood sacrifice existed all over the world in fact from the Druids of the British Isles to the Aztec and Maya of Mesoamerica to kingdoms like Dahomey in West Africa. Today we look down on the savagery of the blood sacrifice, but what is modern war today, but a thinly veiled sacrifice. This may come as a shock but we call them soldiers, or "soul-diers" not realizing that it is most likely a "solar" sacrifice. I wonder do places like abortion clinics also serve as a way to disguise this ancient purpose? Dont believe for one second that the religions of old just disappeared they only changed forms in order to make it appear less noticeable. It is also no accident that Sekhmet was a female goddess because the reality is the female lioness do all of the hunting and bloodletting in packs.The lifestyle of lions was in fact very similar to how the Egyptian Royal family organized itself. Power was passed down matrilineal through the female bloodline, and it was the female who then chose a male to reign as a king over all. It was the African Pharoah priest that wore the leopard skin he was the royal metaphorical vampire who made war sacrifices for the fanged goddess Sekhmet.

Sekhmet was often shown with a sun or solar disk above her head because these blood sacrifices of war were made in honor of the sun and things cosmic, but sacrifices for who or what? It is my belief that sacrifices through war were made for advanced extraterrestrial beings from the star Sirius a sister sun to our own that the Egyptians considered even more important than our own. I find it very curious that one of the names for Egyptian corpse is actually khat which sounds very similar to the word cat. It could very well be that for the Egyptians cats came to be associated so much with blood and death that the very name of the feline became one and the same. It is important to note that the symbol for khat (cat) was actually a fish (sacrifice for dagon) a very important fact for understanding the true implications of this mystery. Why a fish the Dogon of Mali Assyrians and others believe these beings to be amphibians from a watery planet. As for the cat I must mention that the Egyptian cat is actually the genetic mother of all cats, just like Africa is the genetic mother and one could argue the cultural mother of all people as well. The Egyptian cat is called the Mau from which the term meow comes from.

The very word meow is linked to the Egyptian Mau cat, and the cat is also the inspiration for vampire culture as well, with their ever present fangs. The cat is a natural hunter associated with blood and sacrifice. From the Egyptian term Khat most likely comes cat. Cats like vampires and cobras have a certain hypnotic affect (toxoplasma) over some mice.


The Egyptian priest with the royal cat skin.


King Tut wearing the royal cat skin. The cat or khat was associated with the dead corpse which was viewed as separate from the soul/ka. The corpse and blood associated with war and death was also linked to the cat/khat goddess Sekhmet. The pharoah served Sekhmet.


Let us now take a look at the sun. In every vampire movie the sun is a key element in the drama. The vampires move at night and rest during the day we are told because the light from the sun can kill them. It is my belief that this is only telling half of the story.

This gruesome scene from the movie Blade tells an important mystery hidden in plain sight, yet under the unassuming title "science fiction." Here we have two characters in the Blade film with the curious names Dragonetti (Dragon/Dagon) and Frost (Europe). The sun is harmful for some vampires (royals) but not for others. Melanated peoples brains actually feed off the sun (Eye of Ra) but in fair skin people the powerful UV Rays of the sun are so harmful they can lead to death.


Being that we already established that the word vampire is only a metaphor that stands in for something else entirely, so what are we to make of the sun. It is my belief that the sun is one of the most talked about, and least understood of the celestial bodies known to man which is ironic because our proximity to it and that our very life depends on it. Scientist readily admit the suns affect on the climate as well as the growth of vegetation, hibernation of animals, migration of birds and so on and so forth, but scientist are reluctant to talk about the sun and its relation to man unless they are telling you to stay out of the sun, or to not look at it. Has it ever dawned on you that what if the scientist are wrong. What if it actually benefits you by looking at the sun during certain times of the day, this is of course going beyond the obvious normal benefits as a source for vitamin D. This is precisely one of the mysteries that I believe the Egyptian priest and royals were very much aware of. Being that Egypt was populated by dark skin people with melanated skin especially based on how they actually painted themselves then it is only natural to believe that they had very active pineal glands that they "charged up" by sun gazing during the day, and having vivid dreams (melatonin/DMT) verging on clairvoyance at night. This is one of histories biggest well hidden mysteries. In fact the sun is not yellow at all but NASA confirmed that it is black.

This is actually a very nice image of an eclipse, but NASA has confirmed that our sun is in fact black not the yellow or orange we are familiar with. The Nazi occultist were somehow aware of this fact as well.


There seems to be an important connection between a black sun, black carbon, and black melanated people. This is why we see the sun and the snake which was a symbol for the pineal gland on the top of the uraeus of the pharoah and even some of the gods. The sun then would symbolically benefit some vampires (royals) while bringing harm to others, as it did for people with melanin and people without melanin. Not going to lie, these are definitely controversial topics to discuss because for the simple minded it could be easily confused with racism. When the reality is we are talking about the laws of cosmic opposites also found above and on Earth.

The falcon Horus or Heru the personification of the royal pharoah with the sun or Ra and snake over the head. It is my belief that this was a symbol for the pineal gland and higher ascension and communication with the gods. The snake is a symbol of knowledge and everlasting life because it sheds its skin.


Known as the heretic pharoah Akhenaton is seen here sun gazing in order to activate the pineal gland. In vampire lore the love for sun has simply been reversed.


This image taken from John Anthony West book Serpent In The Sky is a reprint taken from King Tuts tomb. Again for me it looks like sun or star gazing in order to activate the pineal gland on the forhead.


There are 36 mysterious underground caves located in Cappadocia (Anatolia, Turkey) the largest was found in the town of Derinknuyu. It is 60 meters deep, and they say created around 800 B.C, but some believe they are much older. This was home to a civilization of an estimated 20,000 people. This group could have quite possibly feared the rays of the sun. Living underground like this provided protection from invasion, but also could have shielded people from the sun. Ironically this would have contributed to light sensitivity as well. Derinkuyu could possibly be a key to unlocking the origin for both the Yakub and vampire legends. In a strange coincidence the Nation of Islam teaches an interesting creation story of how the white race came from black, known today as the "story of Yakub." In another strange twist the organizations symbol of a crescent moon with a red backdrop is strikingly similar to the flag of Turkey.


The watchful volcanic mountain curiously named Erciyas Dag is located in Turkey near the mysterious underground cities found in Cappadocia and Derinknuyu.


Let me say before I write this I dont speak for any organization. I write this as an inspired individual who believes in freethought. Saying that to say this. The Nation of Islam is what some traditional historians view as a fringe Muslim sect, but they may in fact hold one of the hidden keys to the mystery of the vampire legend. In a book titled Message To The Blackman of America written by co-founder of the organization Elijah Muhammad, who also famously served as a mentor for Malcolm X. He makes the claim that the white race was in fact created from the black race by a big headed scientist named Yakub which was possibly a metaphor for Jacob's separation of black and white sheep which ironically is a metaphor in and of itself.

This scientist Yakub made a white race from the genetics of blacks who then moved and lived in the hills and caves of Europe oppressing blacks for 6000 years. On the surface for the average reader this story makes very little sense, and I would in the past agree with that, but I believe there is much truth to this Yakub story if it is read as a deeper allegory. First I believe 6000 years is actually code for an age, as in the individual ages associated with the 24,000 year precession of the equinox. If you take the number 6 from 6000 years, and divide it in half you get 3 and 3, or the number 33. It just so happens that 33 is the amount of degrees in an individual age on the zodiac wheel, and an age is roughly 2000 years. The age I believe the story of Yakub refers to is the Age of Pisces which just ended. The Age of Pisces is in fact an interesting age because it is an age of inventions like electricity, telephones, automobiles, powered flight as well as the internet. This age was however also a very negative age as well, corresponding to the Age of Kali on the Hindu yuga wheel. The Age of Pisces was an age of colonialism, slavery, genocide, and atomic energy used to destroy whole cities. This destruction if we are to be honest was done by European powers that could easily coincide with the nations of Yakub if you will. I believe the Yakub story fuctions as a story within a story, similar to how most religious text function. Its allegorical while hiding a deeper truth. I believe that Yakub is a metaphor for an alien race of intelligent beings, that at one time mated with some humans creating a royal bloodline (hybrids) that not only sits on the thrones of Africa, Egypt, Europe, but are placed in elite positions around the world as well. These intelligent beings then created a white race out of the black in order to duplicate polar opposites. This was done not so much to foster concepts of good against evil though some may see it that way, instead black and white was set up because for these beings it reflected the laws of opposites found throughout our entire universe and the cosmos. This is bigger than good versus evil, or God versus the Devil, though explaining it in those terms makes it easier to understand. There is a cycle and season for everything and certain ages descend (racial division) while others ascend (unity), and we are now living in a ascending age, but we are only at the cusp.

Like two opposite pieces on the chessboard Blade battles Frost. I find it very interesting that Frost ending comes after taking a direct hit directly in the area of the pineal gland, a gland that is sun related and very active in people with melanin, but calcified in many Europeans.


It is interesting though that when one looks at the word evil/Devil/Devel the "el" still means God, a perfect example of the strange balance and equality of things even when they are polar opposites being cultures and people that developed in different climates (sun/ice) producing different results. Describing it as two opposing poles of positive and negative, is probably more appropriate than a good or bad. This is why the Egyptians described their world as Maat, which translates better as things being level, rather than harmonious. Believe it or not you can't get balance without opposites, one without the other leads to disorder. Black and white actually create balance. If everything is either all black or all white things begin to tip and fall out of place, sort of like an unbalanced scale. The traditional story of the evolution of skin color does not take into account the role of outside forces. I believe the white "race" when it was created had a very hard time adapting to sunlight in fact many people still do as studies show skin with very little pigment is more vulnerable to skin cancer. It was this negative reaction to the sun that gave birth to some of the vampire lore, but not all. In order to avoid the trap of developing a superiority complex its safe to take into account that melanated people who have a poor diet (lacking vitamin D) living in areas with low ultra violet sunlight, may develop a bone disease called rickets. Things have a strange way of connecting all of us. Though black and whites seem like opposites, and they are, we also are very much related to each other especially those sharing royal bloodlines with extraterrestrials from Sirius and beyond. This is why you see similar sounding alien names such as the Egyptian Dag, the Dogon of Mali, the Dagon of Persia and Assyria, as well as the Merovingian Kings of France with names like Dagobert.

Supposedly the throne of the French Merovingian king Dagobert. Not only does the name Dagobert share a linguistic connection with the Egyptian Dag and Dogon of Mali, and the famous Dagon of Assyria, but Dagobert or Dagon is known as the royal Dragon bloodline whose origins maybe otherworldly. Also notice the cat and fangs on the thrones legs similar to the African cat goddess Sekhmet. These fangs would later become the fangs of the vampire.


The famous Egyptian Narmer's Palette depicting a battle scene describing the unification of upper and lower Egypt. I like this palette for a few reasons the reverse side shows two cat goddesses similar to the legs on Merovingian king Dagobert's chair. The fact that this is an early battle scene with corpses leads me to believe this could have been an early proto depiction of the blood and sacrifice goddess Sekhmet.


Scientist have proven through mitochondrial DNA that regardless of black and white we are all very closely related. What has not been disclosed is that a small percentage of the population have alien blood that makes them royal, and even among the elite. This royal dragon bloodline crosses "racial" lines regardless of color. The Age of Pisces has now come to an end and the yuga cycle is indeed starting to ascend. We will enter a time when black and white will come together, and notions of race and religion will slowly begin to recede. Those who were once oppressed will begin to see that they will start to have more power. For those blacks who are so short sighted that they believe the oppression of the Age of Pisces will be equally replaced by an oppression of whites during the Age of Aquarius, I believe they will be surprised to find out they are wrong. The white supremacy that reigned during the age of Kali and Pisces will be broken for sure, and some white supremacist will not be used to the detox. We will begin to level up, as we move in a direction of oneness and equality, but dont expect the Age of Aquarius to be a mirror of Pisces. If this is the "so-called" feared New World Order, than it does not necessarily have to be a bad thing. This unity will no doubt bring a browning affect around the globe which will certainly lead to more active pineal glands. It will be at this time of a higher "god consciousness" that these advanced alien life forms associated with legendary watery planets and the fish, will be in contact with a humanity now represented by a greater population of pineal glands symbolically associated with the ram's head and brain. Whether this contact will be through telepathy which the pineal gland makes possible, or more direct face to face contact remains to be seen.

It is my belief that the Age of Capicorn/Treta/Satya Yuga which is a combination of the fish and ram will be when our solar system and Sirius will be in closer proximity of one another and will communicate openly as one. Let me state I believe they communicate now but mainly only through governments, certain levels in the military, and members of secret societies at the highest level. By saying that "races" will come together as one brown race does in no way contradict what I previously said about the law of opposites. Being that all things are cyclical, as the yuga wheel reaches its height and then starts to descend divisions will once again rise and "races" will likely reemerge. This is all part of what Plato called the Great Year, or Platonic Year which lasted roughly 26,000 years.

Of course one can not talk about vampires without acknowledging that in most "science fiction" literature and films the vampire has the ability to escape death seemingly able to live forever. It is my belief that this vampiric folklore was ripped right from the beliefs, tombs, and papyrus scrolls of ancient Egypt.

It was the Egyptians who paid countless meticulous attention toward mummifying their dead for life in the hereafter. The idea of mummification most likely was imported into Egypt from other parts of Africa. The Rosicrucians which is a German based secret society believe that the Egyptians much like the Hindu also believed in reincarnation. As I mentioned in previous post that the hereafter/heaven/duat was imagined as a watery Field of Reeds in the stars. At first "heaven" was conceived as the circumpolar stars Ursa Major (Big Dipper) but later the starry region of Sirius and Orion/Osiris became the location. It is my guess that the constellation of Draco (Dragon/Dagon?) could be another possible location. The vampire is also known to have great influence over people mainly women to the point of having hypotonic like ability.

I believe that this vampiric hypnotism was borrowed from the Egyptian Pharaoh who also had this ability, symbolized by the cobra on the front of the uraeus/crown. This cobra most likely stood for many things such as spitting venom at enemies, as well as mastery over the chakras, some people even believe the cobra can hypnotize other animals with its gaze just by staring at them. From Egypt to Greece the legend of the snakes hypnotic powers later became connected to the Greek goddess Medusas whose snake like dreaded hair could turn men to stone just by staring at them. Also in places like India dreadlocked hair was referred to as nags or snakes. Dreaded hair in combination with melanated skin and activated pineal glands is extremely powerful. Along with being linguistically connected to the Egyptian term Wadjet (Eye of Ra) dreaded hair was also feared for its power (telepathic).

So here I have just listed in Africa by way of Egypt many of the main symbols associated with the vampire which is fangs, blood, hypnotism, the sun, and the afterlife. As an addition we must not forget the nocturnal animal the bat, which is also associated with vampires such as Dracula. Draculas name hides a secret being that within the first few letters are "Dra" as in Dragon or Dagon. Dracula also has fangs like Sekhmet, and also can fly like a bat.

In the animal kingdom there is a lizard called a Draco Lizard that can also fly or glide. I say this because many believe that some of these aliens may have a reptilian look. Reptiles are also known for having a pineal gland or partial eye. It also just so happens one of the oldest gods in Egypt that is rarely ever talked about is a cow headed winged god named "Bat." It is this Egyptian Bat that is always associated with the Egyptian cow goddess Hathor. This is why Bat has the horns and ears of a cow, but the name "Bat" may or may not be more than a strange coincidence. It just so happens that the vampire bat is known to be parasitic as it feeds off of cows. Hathor the Egyptian cow goddess was just as popular as Isis, and was also viewed as a mother of Horus (Osiris son). We are told that the vampire bat is indigenous to South America not Egypt because Africa only had a fruit bat. This may or may not have been the case thousands of years ago, but regardless I believe the Egyptians were some how still aware of the vampire bat, and included this symbolism in their religion (Narmer's Palette). If the vampire bat was not in Africa and I'm not necessarily ruling that out, but its important not to forget that some scholars like Ivan Van Sertima and Thor Heyerdahl were of the belief that ancient people navigated the globe many years before Columbus.


The Batman or Dark Knight also known as master Wayne, often called "Sir/Ser/Seer" by Alfred is really just very clever Egyptian/African culture hidden under the guise of comic book mythology. Here Gotham's Batman stands over the fishlike gargoyle reminiscent of Dragons/Dagon/Dag. The Egyptian Dags of Abydos were most likely related to extraterrestrials from the planet Sirius. The Egyptian royals and European royals as well are all related being a part of the same royal Dragon/Dagon/Dag/Nag bloodline regardless of color.


It just so happens that D.C Comics character Batman is strangely himself very similar to a vampire in that he is rich like a royal, and is associated with the sun or lack of it. Commonly known as the Dark Knight, Batman often fights crime at night. Knight happens to be the name given to those with the title Sir. It just so happens that the word "Sir" today mostly associated with the British is actually African taken from the Egyptian Ser. The Egyptian Sers were most likely adepts or seers who had a direct communication with the gods through vivid dreams and communication with animals. Strange graves for Dags and dogs have been found at Abydos, as well as giant walls built for birds. The Ser were the royal Dags that the Pharoahs kept near by as they bestowed good advice and lucky fortune blessed by the very gods themselves. Africa is what I call a huge misnomer much like Bruce Wayne is called the Dark Knight, Africa is called the Dark Continent. The day will soon come if it hasn't already arrived when Africa will be proven to be the Continent of Light, as we ascend into the Dwapara Yuga and The Age of Aquarius. A shift in the way history is written will change. Batman is not the only super hero that is symbolic of the Dragon/Dag/Dagon so is Superman, and countless others I'm sure. Comic books, science fiction, and cartoons are some of the safest places to hide the ancient mystery. The information is so in your face that the unsuspecting becomes the least obvious. Superman and the sun would be the opposite to symbolic vampires like Batman, who is a child of the night. Why Superman is made white probably has to do more with the racist encompassing time (1930s) period that the character was created in. DC is probably aware of this, and has different African-American versions of Superman in characters like Steel as well as a black Superman in alternative universes like Earth 23. 2x3 gives you 6 the number for carbon which is black. Recently Michael B. Jordan broke the internet with rumors circling that he could be the next Superman. This is the Age of Aquarius and the coming Age of Cepheus, so a black Superman would not shock me.

We are told that Superman's "S" is a symbol for hope. The reality is it's not an "S" at all, but the tau snake or dragon. The symbol of Osiris who died and whose body grew in a tree trunk. This would become the origin of the Egyptian ankh, which later morphed into symbols associated with both Christianity and Freemasonry.


One hang up I've always had with Superman is if he feeds off the sun it would have made more sense to make him a melanated person of color similar to the Egyptian (African) and Indian mystics who would sun gaze as they discovered the mysteries of the pineal gland. Like the "S" on Superman's chest the Egyptian pharoahs were also snakes or dragons, having the snake on their forhead instead of their chest. They were most likely hybrids with alien blood like their small royal mystic advisors or seers/ser/sir. These Ser Dags were buried with their dogs at Abydos. It should also be pointed out Superman/Kal-El is himself an elite alien, just another example of things hidden in plain view only waiting to be discovered.


From the HBO hit series Tru Blood we have the characters Sookie and Tara symbolizing in my opinion the well hidden African origin of the vampire.


I recently read some literature and watched a ton vampire movies while preparing this post, and I've noticed that it seems like it maybe finally time for the African origin of the vampire story to emerge out of the shadows. The HBO series Tru Blood tells the story of the African vampire while using the white character Sookie as the lead; however, Sookie was closely shadowed by the black original vampire who is symbolized by the character Tara. The white is kept in the front while the black African origin story is in the shadows, but still close by. We also were able to see this kind of shadowing in the recent Dracula television series where a white Dracula placed in the front is shadowed by a black servant.

Shown on NBC this Dracula was shadowed by his black servant Renfield, but was this a metaphor for the Vampires African origin. Of course this Dracula challenges a group known as the Order of the Dragon certainly a nod to Dagon the amphibian extraterrestrials mentioned in the legends of people all over the world.


In 2014 Spike Lee released a very horrific while at the same time afro-erotic vampire movie titled in only the way Lee can, Da Sweet Blood of Jesus. It was based on an earlier 1970s film called Ganja & Hess. As usual Lee took off the gloves bare knuckle style. This movie I found particularly interesting for a number of reasons because for one Lee's adaptation of the vampire was even more radical than Blacula was because he shows agency. For one Lee's Vampire known as Dr. Green/Hess does not need a white vampire to become one like Blacula/Omowale did. Secondly Lee actually kills off the image of the white vampire we have come familiar with, when his character Dr. Green/Hess and consort Ganja kill off the very fair skinned Seneschal and blue eyed Tangier Chancellor. He eventually brings blue eyed Tangier back, but only as a way to show the historical chronology of the vampire while still stressing the duality. There is even an anti-lynching (the noose is knotted in a way where one cant hang himself) scene in the movie, that for me reinforced the idea that a "New Age" is upon us even if many of us are slow to recognize it.

Though Lee uses fair skinned "ethnic" actors (Rami Malek is actually Egyptian-American) I believe this is only symbolism to show the vampires true African origin prior to Europe. I truly believe Lee probably wanted to use white actors in order to highlight the shift toward black empowerment and to highlight origins, but that would have been maybe a little too bold and obvious. With Da Sweet Blood of Jesus Spike Lee has definitely reversed the paradigm, but in a way that in my opinion is closer to the vampire's true origin story. One can not fail to mention Anne Rice whose fame is centered on her many vampire novels. Rice cleverly sets her vampire stories like Queen of the Damned and Interview With the Vampire in a Pre-Katrina heavily African populated, and culturally influenced New Orleans.

In fact Rice makes the oldest vampires Akasha (Kashta/Kush?) and Enkil (Annunaki?) ancient Egyptians. In the film adaption for the book Queen of the Damned Akasha was even played by the late great musical artist Aaliyah who is African-American. I believe the main reason why you see the rise of the black vampires increase in the last 50 or so years is because it is coinciding with what is happening astrologically. As we are no longer in the Age of Pisces, and entered the Age of Aquarius. The age of slavery and black victimhood is about to be on its deathbed. This may in fact be as hard for some white people as it is for some black people, 2000 or so years will make it hard for old habits to die, but as the wheel spins everything moves in cycles including wealth and power. Vampires being only symbols for royal dragon blood anyway, we are now making a transition into an era that not only empowers the black royals, but also women of all colors as well. The era of white supremacy is now shifting to an era of greater equality. White domination and male patriarchy will not be replaced by black supremacy or toxic femininity; however, for those not in tune with astronomical cycles equality may in fact feel like a form of oppression for some. The black royals as I mentioned earlier are considered elite just like their white, Asian, or Latin counterparts. Them all being related by way of their alien hybrid blood. As royals this small community (10%) has a tremendous amount of wealth and power, as it is deemed their birthright from above. This power may even extend to giving and taking life depending on each individuals attitude as their are many different kinds of individuals. As royals they stand above the law making decisions for themselves. They then will be the embodiment of the occult phrase "Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law." A phrase that has exactly 11 words, or can also be rendered as 2. Author Scott Onstott mentioned if you use a simple cipher of lets say A=1 B=2 C=3 and so on, the phrase "Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law" actually equals 444. Speaking of the number 4, I believe those with the royal Dragon/Dagon/Dag bloodline have 34 vertebrae not the normal 33 like everyone else.

This 34th vertebrae is called the L6 vertabrae or 6 lumbar. L is the 12th letter in the alphabet and 12 is a combination of 6+6, so L6 can be written as 666. 666 is most likely the sign for the Dragon/Dag bloodline. Being royal gives them the birthright to act on their own free will which can also be a challenge depending on your world view. Like Stan Lee often said "with power there must also come great responsibility." This weight of responsibility is similar to what confronted the Marvel Comic's character Blade. Like Blade each individual must decide whether he would live as a vampire feeding on the weak, or working instead toward helping advance humanity. The royal bloodline's alien ancestors are an advanced race far removed from normal human emotion. There are some that believe it is they who the Aztec and Mayans gave blood sacrifices to extraterrestrial beings that they feed off of that energy. Others believe they have evolved to a point way beyond the human concepts of good and evil; however, their terrestrial hybrid offspring being both human and alien have not lost their human emotion. How each royal approaches life depends on each individuals will power and world view. This is really the metaphor behind the Jedi and Sith found in Star Wars, and most likely the angels and demons associated with religion.

Marvel's character Blade played here by Wesley Snipes is a Dark Knight in a very literal sense. Not only does he carry the sword and is wearing black, but melanated people can feed off the sun (daywalker) in a way that their fair skin brothers can not. Also as a hybrid, Blade is torn between two worlds, the world of the vampire/dagon/dragons and the world of humans. With the name Blade, and B being the second letter (2) in the alphabet, he must use his Will to decide which life he wants to live.



Further Reading:

Andrew Collins. From The Ashes Of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy Of A Fallen Race. Bear & Company. 2001

Elijah Muhammad. Message To The Blackman. Secretarius MEMPS Publications. 1973

J. Gordon Melton, PhD. The Vampire Book: The Encyclopedia Of The Undead. Visible Ink Press. 2011

David Icke. The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change The World. 1999

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